Healthy ways you can easily do at home.

Healthy ways you can easily do at home.

1 . Consume garlic 1-2 days a day.
It has already been proven through various experiments that garlic is effective in preventing aging and prolonging life. Consuming 5 ml of garlic a day can reduce harmful chemicals in the body that cause various diseases by 48% and prevent cancer, immune system abnormalities, and arthritis. It is also known to be effective in preventing dementia caused by memory loss or deterioration of brain function.

2. Do moderate exercise steadily.
If you walk a certain distance every day or exercise moderately three times a week, your bones will be strong and your risk of heart disease will be reduced. When you go for a walk, it's good to walk fast enough to feel the right tension.

3. Increase unrefined grain intake.
If you consume food made from unrefined grains about 4 times a week, you can reduce the risk of cancer by 40%.

4. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits.
If you eat vegetables or fruits 5 times a day, it is effective in preventing stroke, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, etc., and in the case of women, the risk of breast cancer can be reduced by half. In particular, it is good to consume a lot of tomatoes, grapes, and broccoli.

5. Reduce your fast food intake.
Fast foods such as hamburgers and French fries are high in calories and pose a high risk of nutritional imbalance. Eating a lot of these foods increases your risk of developing coronary artery disease, stroke, or heart disease.

6. Eat a lot of fish.
Omega-3 fatty acids, which are abundant in fish such as salmon, tuna, and sardines, prevent the formation of blood clots and fish oil strengthens the immune system. Studies have already shown that eating fish once a month has an excellent effect on preventing heart disease.

7. Eat less salt.
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a daily salt intake of less than 5 mg. If you eat too salty food, the risk of heart disease or stroke increases, so you need to be extra careful.

8. Drink moderate amounts of wine.
Two glasses of wine a day is effective in preventing colds and preventing cancer or dementia. For health, it is better to drink wine than beer. However, if you drink more than 30 glasses of wine a week, you should know that it can cause various diseases. Nothing is good in excess of anything.

9. Drink about 2 cups of coffee a day.
Studies have shown that people who drink two cups of coffee a day can reduce their risk of colon cancer by 25%, gallstones by 45%, liver cirrhosis by 80%, asthma by 25%, and Parkinson's disease by 50-80%. . If you are a pregnant woman suffering from high blood pressure, coffee is good for lowering blood pressure. However, it is also forbidden to drink more than 11 cups of coffee a day.

10. Drink a lot of tea.
People who drink a lot of tea have half the risk of developing heart disease compared to people who do not.

11. Lose weight.
Studies have shown that for overweight people, life expectancy is shortened by 20 weeks for every 1 kg of excess weight. If your body mass index (BMI, weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared) is over 25, you should make an effort to lose weight.

12. Avoid excessive weight loss.
Just because you gained weight, you should throw away the idea of losing weight all at once. There is no such thing as an easy and comfortable way to lose weight. It is good to make a long-term plan to reduce calorie intake and exercise regularly.

13. Lower your cholesterol levels.
There is no better way to prevent heart disease or stroke. It is good to reduce fat intake by focusing on foods that are low in saturated fat or cholesterol.

14. Aspirin
Various studies have shown that aspirin, known only as a painkiller, is actually effective in preventing colon cancer, stomach cancer, rectal cancer, and prostate cancer. However, it is important to remember that you must consult your doctor before taking aspirin.

15. Smile a lot.
As explained that 231 of the 650 muscles in our body move and consume a lot of energy, the more you laugh, the more you laugh, the more you move the upper body as well as the stomach, chest muscles, and heart, which has a considerable exercise effect. good night.

16. Develop your own way to relieve stress.
Stress is the root of all diseases. When excessive tension or accumulation accumulates for a long time, the possibility of causing mental diseases such as schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and depression increases, and the possibility of suffering from allergic diseases, rheumatic diseases, and cardiovascular diseases also increases. Engaging in 'intense' exercise three times a week can help relieve stress.

17. Quit smoking.
If you want to live a healthy life, you must quit smoking by any means.

18. Get rid of bad breath.
Bad breath is often caused by bacteria in the mouth. Be sure to brush your teeth after eating, and when brushing your teeth, rub your tongue with a toothbrush to help get rid of bad breath. It is also necessary to visit the dentist regularly for check-ups.

19. Sing a song.
Singing with people helps relieve stress, as well as treat depression, social phobia, and anxiety disorders. Of course, if you play an instrument together, the icing on the cake.

20. Hum a song.
Humming a song helps to prevent sinusitis by speeding up the air flow in the nose as well as the airways. Experts advise that even if your nose is blocked by a cold, humming can be effective.

21. Get enough sleep.
Sleep is essential for maintaining the body's immune system. According to a study by a research team at the University of Pittsburgh in the United States, people with short sleep hours are more likely to show symptoms of obsessing over certain things or objects compared to people who get enough sleep. Opinions differ on the right amount of sleep, but each person is slightly different. The most appropriate sleep time for you is to sleep to the point where you feel ‘slept well’ when you wake up in the morning and to the extent that you are not sleepy during the day.

22. Take enough vitamins.
Taking a multivitamin daily reduces the risk of heart disease and can reduce the risk of colon cancer by 85%. It is also effective in preventing dementia. In particular, if a pregnant woman consumes enough folic acid, a vitamin B complex, it can greatly reduce various risks that may occur during pregnancy poisoning or childbirth. However, if you have prostate cancer, excessive vitamin intake can be harmful, so it is good to be careful.

23. Take care of your skin care.
Unprotected exposure of the skin to strong sunlight or cold air can cause various diseases. Dry skin can also cause skin diseases. To prevent this, it is good to use sunscreen or moisturizer to protect your skin.

24. Take care of your dental health.
You need to prevent gum disease by removing bacteria and tartar in your mouth. Chewing fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, such as apples, oranges, and carrots, can help keep your teeth white by preventing bacteria in your mouth that form stains. Snacks or vegetables with high sugar content can cause tooth decay, so it is better to reduce intake if possible.

25. Choose your spouse carefully.
A survey of men in their 50s found that men with unhealthy wives were six times more likely to have health problems than men with healthy wives. You must recognize that your spouse's health is your health.

26. Drink lots of water.
Studies have shown that people who drink 6 or more glasses of water a day have half the risk of developing colon cancer compared to those who drink 2 or less glasses of water. For adult men, 2.9 liters (about 12 glasses) per day and women should consume 2.2 liters of fluid. If your urine is too yellow, you should drink plenty of water.

27. Be careful with bed use.
Many bed users complain of back pain. You can prevent back pain by reducing the amount of time you spend lying in bed and exercising regularly.

28. Take a lot of selenium.
It is good to consume a lot of selenium, a kind of mineral. Selenium, which is abundant in hairtail, salmon, tuna, oysters, and shrimp, is known to have anti-cancer effects as an anti-aging substance.

29. Spend a lot of time with your friends.
For seniors over 65, the risk of getting dementia is significantly reduced if they talk a lot with friends or engage in social activities together.

30. Change jobs.
In addition to all of this, it would be nice to change jobs once. If you are not interested in what you are doing right now or if you are stressed out, it is good to find something more active.