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45 Food Common sense to Help You Stay Healthy in Everyday Life

Keep your health in check with everyday foods that you can easily access. From curing a hangover to preventing adult diseases, here are some health tips. 45 Foods You Can Eat Every Day to Stay Healthy 1. Cucumber is a great hangover cure If you're suffering from a hangover, juice half a cucumber and drink it to help ease your stomach. Cucumbers are high in water, which prevents dehydration, and they're rich in vitamins and minerals, which can help relieve alcohol-induced heartburn. 2. Beans and prunes are good for menopausal women Beans and prunes are especially good for menopausal women. The isoflavones in beans have an estrogenic effect, which helps improve hormonal imbalances, while prunes are high in antioxidants, which are good for bone health. 3. Anti-Cancer Benefits of Green, Oolong, and Black Tea Different types of tea have different anti-cancer effects. Green tea has the strongest anti-cancer effect, followed by oolong tea, and finally black tea. Green tea is

TIME Magazine's Top 10 Superfoods (Health Foods) of the World

In 2002, TIME magazine, an American current affairs weekly, named spinach, tomatoes, beets, garlic, broccoli, garlic, green tea, oats, salmon, and nuts as the top 10 superfoods. They are naturally occurring compounds that are low in calories and rich in vitamins, minerals, minerals, and antioxidants. They help prevent chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and cancer, and are essential for maintaining a healthy body by boosting the immune system. 10 Superfoods 1. Spinach spinach is rich in calcium, iron, B vitamins, amino acids, and other nutrients that are important for the development and nutrition of growing children. In adults, spinach prevents inflammation of the blood vessels, which is linked to heart disease, and prevents atherosclerosis and lung cancer. In particular, spinach roots contain a lot of nutrients, so it"s a good idea to use them in cooking. It"s also an effective beauty food to prevent constipation. It"s

The Five Internal Organs, Five Elements, and the Connection Between Food Colors

Eastern philosophy has a unique system that associates the "five major organs" and "five elements" of the human body with five colors. It is believed that vital organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, and lungs are associated with certain colored foods, which play an important role in maintaining good health and preventing disease. Let's take a closer look at the colors and corresponding foods associated with each organ. 1. Heart = Red The color red belongs to the fire family and is associated with the heart, small intestine, and tongue. Red-colored foods help keep the heart healthy. Tomatoes: rich in lycopene, which is good for preventing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. Apples: Contain kaempferol, which inhibits the formation of cancer cells. Grapes: Polyphenols neutralize free radicals. Red peppers: capsaicin has anti-cancer properties. Others: strawberries, persimmons, grapefruit, jujubes, goji berries, schisandra, etc. 2. liver =