How to wash dishes by hand the clean and safe way

 Washing dishes is something we do every day, but sometimes it's a chore and a hassle. Some people wait for the dishes to pile up and do them all at once, while others wash them as soon as they're used. But wouldn't it be nice if there was a way to get your dishes clean and safe while saving water and detergent? Here, I share my favorite clean and efficient way to wash dishes.

Pre-washing dishes

You'll save more water and detergent if you group your dishes together instead of doing them right away.

Pre-wash steps

1. Remove residue with hot water: Remove grease and food residue from dishes first.

Why : More grease and food residue makes the detergent less concentrated, which means less suds and more detergent.

2. Start with small dishes: Start washing dishes in the order of small dishes → large dishes.

Why : When using detergent to wash dishes, start with the larger items and place the smaller items on top of them so that the running water provides the primary rinsing action.

3. Clean the drain: After washing dishes with detergent, unclog the drain to allow the sink to hold water while rinsing.

Why : After you're done washing dishes, unclogging the drain and letting the water flow all at once helps to remove residue and odors that build up in the drain.

Prepare your dishes

1. Dilute the detergent: Add 2-3 cups of water to a small bucket, squeeze the detergent once or twice, and lather it up by hand.

Why : Using straight detergent can leave detergent residue on your dishes. Diluting it in water is safer and more economical. It is said that the amount of detergent left behind is about a spoonful for a year.

2. Start with large dishes: When washing dishes, start with large dishes.

Why : Cleaning large dishes first makes it easier for smaller dishes to fit together, and when you put away the dishes after cleaning them, they're easier to pick up because you started small.

3. Utilize leftover detergent: After cleaning the larger dishes, use the leftover detergent to clean the smaller dishes, such as lids, spoons, chopsticks, and cups, which are less likely to be greasy.

Key points and sequence

1. Start with small dishes, using only warm water.
2. Always dilute detergent in water and lather before using.
3. Cover drain holes to capture water while washing dishes.
4. When washing dishes with detergent, start with the largest items and work your way down to the smallest.
5. Scrub by hand to remove any remaining detergent residue when rinsing.
6. When you're done rinsing, open a full sink drain to let a large amount of water run off at once.

Try these tips to make washing dishes easier and more efficient. 😄