Moderate sugar intake and the effects of too much sugar on the body

Sugar is an integral part of the modern diet. Its sweet taste brings joy to many people, but too much of it can lead to serious health problems. In fact, studies have linked 17 types of cancer to sugar. In this article, we'll take a look at how to know how much sugar to consume and the warning signs of too much.

How much sugar should you eat

The general recommendation is to consume no more than 25 grams of sugar per day for adults. This equates to about 6 teaspoons. However, it's difficult to measure and eat the exact amount in everyday life, so it's important to look for symptoms in your body to determine if you're consuming the right amount.

8 Symptoms of Eating Too Much

1. Skin problems

Eating too much sugar can increase your inflammatory response, which can lead to skin problems like acne and breakouts on your face. It's a good idea to check your sugar intake, especially if your skin has been breaking out lately.

2. Sugary cravings

When you're addicted to sugar, you're constantly craving sweets. If you find yourself reaching for dessert after every meal, or wanting a sugary drink every time, you need to reduce your sugar intake.

3. Lowered immunity

If you eat a lot of sugar, your immune system will suffer, making you more prone to colds and body aches. This is due to the increased sugar content in the blood, which triggers an inflammatory response.

4. Muscle and joint pain

Sugar can cause inflammation, which can lead to pain in muscles and joints. Some studies have shown that sugar consumption can worsen pain, especially in people with rheumatoid arthritis.

5. Mental problems

Consuming too much sugar can lead to mental problems such as lethargy, depression, and anxiety disorders. This is because it causes blood sugar to rise and fall rapidly, affecting insulin secretion.

6. Weight gain and metabolic syndrome

Sugar is one of the leading causes of metabolic syndrome, which includes obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure. Studies have shown that consuming more than 100-125 grams of sugar per day more than triples the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

7. Gastrointestinal disorders

Sugar can cause gastrointestinal upset. If you've been experiencing stomach pain, diarrhea, indigestion, and more recently, you should reduce your sugar intake.

8. Memory decline

Sugar can cause an inflammatory response in your brain cells, which can lead to memory loss. This may also be linked to dementia.

3 Ways to Reduce Sugar Intake

1. Gradual reduction

It's hard to reduce your sugar intake suddenly, so it's best to cut back slowly. For example, if you drink three vanilla lattes a day, cut back to two and a half, then two, and so on.

2. Find alternatives

It's also a good idea to find healthy alternatives to sugar. Try eating fruit instead of ice cream, or make it a habit to drink lots of water.

3. Improve your eating habits

Instead of reaching for dessert right after a meal, try drinking water or vegetables. This will reduce your cravings for sweets.


Sugar is an essential nutrient, but too much of it is unhealthy. It's important to eat in moderation, be aware of the symptoms of too much sugar, and control your eating habits. Make a concerted effort to reduce your sugar intake for a healthier lifestyle.

white sugar