45 Food Common sense to Help You Stay Healthy in Everyday Life

Keep your health in check with everyday foods that you can easily access. From curing a hangover to preventing adult diseases, here are some health tips.

45 Foods You Can Eat Every Day to Stay Healthy

1. Cucumber is a great hangover cure

If you're suffering from a hangover, juice half a cucumber and drink it to help ease your stomach. Cucumbers are high in water, which prevents dehydration, and they're rich in vitamins and minerals, which can help relieve alcohol-induced heartburn.

2. Beans and prunes are good for menopausal women

Beans and prunes are especially good for menopausal women. The isoflavones in beans have an estrogenic effect, which helps improve hormonal imbalances, while prunes are high in antioxidants, which are good for bone health.

3. Anti-Cancer Benefits of Green, Oolong, and Black Tea

Different types of tea have different anti-cancer effects. Green tea has the strongest anti-cancer effect, followed by oolong tea, and finally black tea. Green tea is rich in catechins, which have a high anti-cancer effect.

4. Black beans, peanuts, and pine needles for diabetes management

If you have diabetes, dried and powdered black beans, peanuts, and pine needles can help control blood sugar. Black beans and peanuts provide protein and healthy fats, and pine needles provide antioxidants.

5. Dates and figs for a strong stomach

Dates and figs are great for strengthening your stomach. Dates are good for digestive health, and figs are effective in preventing constipation.

6. Peaches are good for nicotine detoxification

The flesh of peaches helps to release the nicotine poison from cigarettes. Peaches are rich in vitamins C and A, which help with detoxification.

7. Keep tropical fruits out of the fridge

Tropical fruits such as bananas, pineapples, mangoes, and cantaloupe should not be stored in the refrigerator, as it can ruin their flavor and nutrients.

8. Melon and peanuts can cause stomach cramps

Eating melon and peanuts at the same time can cause stomach cramps. This is because the water in the melon and the fat in the peanut can strain your digestion.

9. Root vegetables are good for adsorbing carcinogens

The fiber in root vegetables such as potatoes and sweet potatoes can absorb carcinogens and eliminate them through bowel movements, especially when eaten with the skin on.

10. Vinegar water to remove pesticide residue

Soaking vegetables and fruits in water with a little vinegar or salt for 5-10 minutes before washing can help remove pesticide residues and heavy metals. This is because pesticides and heavy metals are soluble in water.

11. Carrots and green peppers for breast cancer prevention

Carrots, green chiles, liver, corn, rice bran, and loach may help prevent breast cancer. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, which acts as an antioxidant.

12. Mushrooms are high in antioxidants

Mushrooms contain a lot of antioxidants that prevent oxidation in the body. This is great for anti-aging and boosting the immune system.

13. Soy is good for inhibiting cancer cell proliferation

The plant protein isoflavone in soybeans has been shown to inhibit cancer cell proliferation, especially when consumed as tofu or bean soup.

14. Oak leaves to deodorize your refrigerator

When it comes to removing odors from your refrigerator, oak leaves are effective. Oak leaves have an excellent ability to absorb odors.

15. Foods to avoid when you have diarrhea

When you have diarrhea, it's best to avoid sour juices or effervescent drinks (colas, ciders, etc.), which can irritate the intestines and make diarrhea worse.

16. Eat for heart health

To keep your heart strong, you should stay away from cigarettes and fatty meats, egg yolks, and butter. Instead, eat plenty of vegetables and fruits.

17. Cooked vegetables for lower body obesity

Cooked vegetables are better than raw vegetables for people with lower body obesity. Cooked vegetables are easier to digest and increase nutrient absorption.

18. Peanuts not good for people with weak stomachs

Peanuts are not good for people with weak stomachs. They are high in fat, which can be hard on digestion.

19. lobular tea, which is good for diarrhea

If you have frequent diarrhea due to a weak stomach, you can try brewing a cup of lobular (shiso) leaves. The leaves help support digestive health.

20. cabbage for gastritis, stomach ulcers

If you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer, eating cabbage raw for about a month can help. Cabbage is rich in vitamin U, which protects the stomach mucosa.

21. Vinegar Brine for Food Storage

When storing leftovers, you can spray them with vinegar water to slow down spoilage. Vinegar has an antiseptic effect, which prevents food from spoiling.

22. How to make sesame seeds more flavorful

Roasting sesame seeds one more time before using them improves their flavor and aroma. This will intensify the flavor of the sesame seeds.

23. Pork and mustard go well together

Pork and mustard go well together: the spiciness of the mustard cuts through the flavor of the pork and aids in digestion.

24. How to defrost

It is recommended to defrost meat in the refrigerator and fish and shellfish by soaking them in water. This will preserve the flavor and texture of the food.

25. Wine for heart disease prevention

Wine, and not just red wine, can help prevent heart disease. Wine contains polyphenols, which are good for blood vessel health.

26. Food recipes for people with hepatitis

People with hepatitis should always cook their food well. Uncooked food puts you at risk of getting infected with the hepatitis virus.

27. Cholesterol content of eggs

Eggs contain more cholesterol than beef. You need to control your cholesterol intake.

28. Alcohol affects testicular function in men

Alcohol can cause decreased testicular function in men, which can lead to lower levels of male hormones. It is advisable to moderate your alcohol consumption.

29. Raw fern, which contains carcinogens

Raw fern contains a carcinogen called 'ptaquiloside' and should be boiled before eating.

30. Chestnuts that can cause diarrhea

Chestnuts are not recommended to be roasted to the core because their skin and flesh contain high levels of diarrhea-causing 'tannins'.

31. Combination of ginseng and honey

Ginseng is not good because when it is re-laid in honey, it will produce a kind of toxin component, so it is recommended to avoid honey when eating ginseng.

32. Ginseng to avoid when you have dermatitis

When you have dermatitis, such as scabies or eczema, you should avoid eating hairtail fish is not recommended when you have dermatitis. Scallops can make dermatitis worse.

33. Nicotine detoxification effect of green onions

S-methylmethionine (SMM) contained in green onion helps to detoxify nicotine, protect lung mucosa, prevent stomach and duodenal ulcers, and treat peptic ulcers.

34. Tots are good for your diet

Tot is one of the richest sources of alkali in the sea, but has very few calories, making it an effective diet food.

35. Time your snacks to keep your brain active

Snacking 4-5 hours after a meal is beneficial for brain activity. This is because your blood sugar stabilizes.

36. Coffee interferes with iron and calcium absorption

Drinking coffee, green tea, or black tea right after a meal interferes with the absorption of iron and calcium. It's better to wait a while after eating before drinking iron and calcium.

37. Caffeine affects adolescent growth

Foods such as caffeinated coffee and colas can interfere with adolescent growth. It is recommended to reduce caffeine intake during adolescence.

38. Leeks for gut health

Eating leeks (zingiber officinale) strengthens the intestines and is good for people with a cold body. Leeks aid digestion and raise body temperature.

39. Grilled onions for better body absorption

Lightly grilled onions are better absorbed by the body than raw. Roasted onions are easier to digest and increase nutrient absorption.

40. Garlic helps prevent adult diseases

Roasting garlic and eating 3-5 cloves with every meal can help prevent adult diseases and boost your energy. Garlic has antibacterial properties and is effective in boosting the immune system.

41. Wakame to neutralize acidity

Wakame seaweed is a typical alkaline food that neutralizes the acidity of rice to prevent overconsumption of acidic foods.

42. Soybeans are good for good gut bacteria

Soy, which is high in oligosaccharides, is as effective as milk and yogurt in promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Eating beans frequently is recommended for gut health.

43. Vitamin B6 may help prevent dementia

Eating only white rice can lead to a lack of vitamin B6, which can cause brain nerves to degenerate and lead to dementia. It is recommended to eat multigrain rice or other foods rich in vitamin B6.

44. Timing of sweets

Sugary foods should be eaten immediately after a meal when salivation is high, which helps the sweet foods to be digested.

45. Hot alcohol increases the risk of esophageal cancer

Frequent consumption of hot alcohol increases the risk of developing esophageal cancer. Hot alcohol can damage the lining of the esophagus.

We hope you remember and practice these everyday health tips to stay healthy.