How to Prevent and Overcome Burnout Syndrome for a Healthy Workforce

How to Prevent and Overcome Burnout Syndrome for a Healthy Workforce In 2021, we surveyed 750 office workers and found that 64.1% (2 out of 3) of them have experienced burnout syndrome in the past year. The main causes of burnout include excessive workload, job/career doubt, and work-life imbalance.

What is burnout syndrome?

Burnout syndrome is a mental exhaustion phenomenon in which a person who is immersed in their work experiences extreme physical and psychological exhaustion at some point. It is characterized by the following symptoms

  • Exhaustion: Feeling drained and without energy for even routine tasks.
  • Lethargy: feeling unmotivated and uninspired, often severe.
  • Anxiety: increased anxiety and worry about the future Self-hatred: a tendency to criticize or put yourself down.
  • Insomnia: not getting enough rest, even when you do sleep.

Do I have burnout syndrome?

You can take the burnout syndrome self-check to see if you have it. If you answer yes to two or more of the following questions, you may have burnout syndrome.

  • Do you wake up in the morning and don't feel like you look great?
  • Is your memory not what it used to be and do you forget things often?
  • Do things that you used to be able to ignore now irritate and upset you?
  • Do you feel like running away somewhere?
  • Do things that used to be enjoyable now seem dull and make you feel unhappy with life?

How to prevent and overcome burnout syndrome

1. Express and share
Don't keep things to yourself, talk to your family, friends, and coworkers about what's going on. Just talking about your problems can be very helpful.

2. Maintain a work-life balance
Finish your work on time, and try not to take work home with you after work. It's important to focus on your own life after work.

3. Be proactive about taking breaks
Sleeping or watching TV is great, but try to de-stress with physical activity or your favorite hobbies, such as exercise and cultural activities. Active relaxation is more effective.

4. Get professional help
If burnout syndrome is severe enough to make it difficult to work, or if you're having trouble recovering, consider seeking help from a mental health professional or counselor. Their advice can help you find a more structured solution.

It's important to take time for yourself in your busy life. When you're feeling overwhelmed, it can be helpful to put things down and take a break. We wish you a healthy work life.

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