The Five Internal Organs, Five Elements, and the Connection Between Food Colors

Eastern philosophy has a unique system that associates the "five major organs" and "five elements" of the human body with five colors. It is believed that vital organs such as the heart, liver, kidneys, stomach, and lungs are associated with certain colored foods, which play an important role in maintaining good health and preventing disease. Let's take a closer look at the colors and corresponding foods associated with each organ.

1. Heart = Red

The color red belongs to the fire family and is associated with the heart, small intestine, and tongue. Red-colored foods help keep the heart healthy.

  • Tomatoes: rich in lycopene, which is good for preventing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis.
  • Apples: Contain kaempferol, which inhibits the formation of cancer cells.
  • Grapes: Polyphenols neutralize free radicals.
  • Red peppers: capsaicin has anti-cancer properties.
  • Others: strawberries, persimmons, grapefruit, jujubes, goji berries, schisandra, etc.

2. liver = green

The color green corresponds to the neck and is connected to the liver, gallbladder, and muscles. Green foods promote liver function and metabolism.

  • Salads and green juices: improve the function of the liver.
  • Chlorophyll: aids in hematopoiesis and is good for preventing anemia.
  • Olive oil: Lowers bad LDL cholesterol.
  • Spinach: Rich in vitamins and nutrients.
  • Others: mugwort, kale, spinach, etc.

3. Kidney = Black

The color black belongs to water and is associated with the kidneys, bladder, ears, and bones. Black foods strengthen kidney function.

  • Black beans and black sesame seeds: Strengthen hematopoiesis, development, and reproductive function.
  • Anthocyanins: Highly antioxidant.
  • Others: Maitake mushroom, nori seaweed, ogolin, black goat, blueberries, etc.

4. Stomach = Yellow

Yellow belongs to the earth color and is connected to the spleen, stomach, and mouth. Yellow foods help improve digestion.

  • Pumpkin: boosts gastrointestinal function.
  • Carotenoids: Boosts immunity, lowers blood sugar, and has anti-aging effects.
  • Others: tangerines, oranges, mangoes, carrots, pineapples, persimmons, curries, etc.

5. lung = white color

The color white corresponds to gold and is associated with the lungs, large intestine, and nose. White foods are good for lung and bronchial health.

  • Onions: quercetin prevents high blood pressure.
  • Cabbage: sulforaphane has anti-cancer properties.
  • Bellflower: saponins are good for coughing.
  • Others: garlic, radish, pear, lotus root, sweet potato, etc.

As you can see, there is a strong relationship between the five organs, the five elements, and food colors. Each color is associated with a specific organ, and eating foods of that color can help you stay healthy and prevent disease. This can help you maintain a balanced diet and achieve harmony between your body and mind.